Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Paul Volponi:We are Excited!

Strasburg High School Welcomes Paul Volponi
Paul Volponi will be "visiting" Strasburg High School on May 14, 2009 during second block (9:15) with Ms. Brown's English 11 and Mrs. White's English 10 classes. After learning that our Moore Grant request was not successful, Mr. Volponi graciously suggested that he could still visit the school using a conference call. While we would still love to have the Volponi family visit Strasburg at some future date, we are absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to speak with Mr. Volponi through this electronic medium. We are all looking forward to this event and sincerely appreciate his generous offer to make this visit happen for our students.


kaylee said...

i cant wait till he comes it will be exicting

Dylan Kesner said...

I am excited to talk with you about literature and such.

- MC Silly Dilly

Kaylee Long said...

paul volponi is awesome!!!